echar a perder los planes de alguien

Kullanım örnekleri

echar a perder los planes de alguien
cook ones goose
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Phonetic: "/kuːk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A person who prepares food.

Example: I'm a terrible cook, so I eat a lot of frozen dinners.

Definition: The head cook of a manor house

Definition: The degree or quality of cookedness of food

Definition: One who manufactures certain illegal drugs, especially meth.

Example: Police found two meth cooks working in the illicit lab.

Definition: A session of manufacturing certain illegal drugs, especially meth.

Definition: A fish, the European striped wrasse, Labrus mixtus.

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Phonetic: "/wʌnz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The digit or figure 1.

Definition: The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.

Definition: A one-dollar bill.

Definition: One run scored by hitting the ball and running between the wickets; a single.

Definition: A joke or amusing anecdote.

Definition: A particularly special or compatible person or thing.

Example: I knew as soon I met him that John was the one for me and we were married within a month.

Definition: (leet) Used instead of ! to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing "1".

Example: 2003 September 26, "DEAL WITH IT!!!!11one!!", in, Usenet

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Phonetic: "/wʌnz/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.

Example: Any one of the boys.  The big one looks good.  I want the green one.  A good driver is one who drives carefully.

Definition: (impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.

Example: She offered him an apple and an orange; he took one and left the other.

Definition: (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).

Example: One’s guilt may trouble one, but it is best not to let oneself be troubled by things which cannot be changed.  One shouldn’t be too quick to judge.

Definition: (pronoun) Any person, entity or thing.

Example: "driver", noun: one who drives.

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Phonetic: "/wʌnz/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: Belonging to one.

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Phonetic: "/wʌnz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A senior or first team (as opposed to a reserves team).

Definition: The cells located on the ground floor.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɡuːs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any of various grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae, which have feathers and webbed feet and are capable of flying, swimming, and walking on land, and which are bigger than ducks.

Example: There is a flock of geese on the pond.

Definition: A female goose (sense 1).

Definition: The flesh of the goose used as food.

Definition: A silly person.

Definition: A tailor's iron, heated in live coals or embers, used to press fabrics.

Definition: A young woman or girlfriend.

Definition: An old English board game in which players moved counters along a board, earning a double move when they reached the picture of a goose.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɡuːs/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To sharply poke or pinch someone's buttocks. Derived from a goose's inclination to bite at a retreating intruder's hindquarters.

Definition: To stimulate, to spur.

Definition: To gently accelerate an automobile or machine, or give repeated small taps on the accelerator.

Definition: (UK slang) Of private-hire taxi drivers, to pick up a passenger who has not pre-booked a cab. This is unauthorised under UK licensing conditions.

Definition: To hiss (a performer) off the stage.

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